
We provide complete patent services that help create and protect the inventions that shape our world. Our attorneys are unrivaled in the depth of their experience and technical expertise, providing strategic guidance and services that include patent counseling and prosecution, new product clearance and licensing, as well as counsel regarding patent enforcement and the avoidance of possible infringement issues.

Our unmatched technical background makes us particularly adept at writing patent applications that accurately capture an invention’s new and novel nature—thus firmly protecting it against later claims. Working in close partnership, our patent attorneys and renowned litigators actively and aggressively represent plaintiffs and defendants in a wide variety of proceedings before courts both domestically and internationally, crafting patent strategies that complement and further our clients’ business interests.

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Representative Exits

Skybox Imaging Acquisition by Google for $500 Million

Knobbe Martens client Skybox Imaging, Inc. has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Google. Skybox Imaging has built and launched the world’s smallest high-resolution imaging satellite, which collects images and video of the Earth each day. Skybox plans to launch a constellation of 24 imaging satellites that will map the Earth and help keep Google Maps accurate with up-to-date imagery. Over time, Skybox’s technology will be able to help improve Internet access and disaster relief—areas Google has long been interested in. Knobbe Martens has developed Skybox’s patent portfolio for the design of low-Earth orbiting imaging satellites and imaging sensors, scheduling image acquisition in a constellation of satellites and techniques for processing images and video taken by the satellites.

IRVINE, Calif., July 26, 2024 – In a decision announced today following a sua sponte review, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Director Kathi Vidal affirmed sanctions against Longhorn Vaccines...
In the Managing IP article “USPTO Provides 'Roadmap' for AI Patent Eligibility,” partner Mauricio Uribe offered insight on the US Patent and Trademark Office’s recently issued guidance on AI subject...
LOS ANGELES, July 15, 2024 – Knobbe Martens is pleased to announce that partner Brian Horne has been recognized by the Los Angeles Business Journal as a 2024 Leader of Influence: Litigators & Trial...