
Privacy Policy

Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP (“Knobbe,” “we,” “our” or “us”) has developed this Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) out of respect for the privacy of our clients, website visitors and other individuals who share personal information with us. This Policy describes the personal information we collect, use, and disclose about individual clients, website visitors, and other individuals who attend events organized or hosted by us.

Whenever you visit our website (“Website”), we will collect some information from you automatically simply by you visiting and navigating through the Website, and some voluntarily when you submit information using a form on the Website. Through the Website, we will collect information that can identify you and/or your activity.

Whenever you communicate with or engage us to provide you with legal services, we will be collecting personal information from you or about you in the course of discussing or providing such legal services. This applies when we represent you personally in your personal capacity, and not when we represent your business or employer and you are simply our client contact for that business or employer. And, when you register for or attend an event organized or hosted by us, we will collect personal information from you or about you.

Knobbe collects the following categories of personal information. For each category of information, we identify examples of the category, the business purposes for which we use the information in that category, the categories of sources from which the information is collected, and the categories of third parties with whom we have shared the information in the last 12 months.

Category of Personal Information
Personal identifiers and contact information

Name, mailing address, email address,
phone number,
business affiliation, bar number

Business Purpose(s) for Which Information is Used
  • Providing legal services in accordance with our agreement with you, or in accordance with our agreement with our client, or otherwise providing or discussing our legal services to/with you;
  • Communicating with you in connection with provision of legal services, including sending statements and invoices, and to deal with inquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to the legal services;
  • Promoting our legal services, such as through legal alerts and marketing communications;
  • Communicating with any insurance companies providing or potentially providing insurance coverage related to the legal services;
  • Hosting or organizing events, including for CLE credit;
  • Complying with our legal and ethical obligations, such as conducting conflict checks for potential new clients;
  • Responding to inquiries, including, but not limited to, those by telephone, email, and our website; and
  • Verifying and responding to consumer requests.
Categories of Sources from Which Information Received
  • Our clients or records and information provided by our clients;
  • Your insurance company; and
  • Visitors to our Website
Categories of Third Parties to Whom Information Was Disclosed in Last 12 Months
We do not share this information with any third party,
unless required to do so by law or government agency,
for the purpose of defending or prosecuting legal claims,
for advising and counseling our clients, or for safekeeping
and storing the information (such as in electronic
databases managed or hosted by third parties). We may
also share information necessary to collect unpaid fees
arising from legal services provided.

Category of Personal Information
Commercial Information
Credit card numbers, expiration dates, and CVV codes;
bank account information; wiring instructions; tax forms;
social security numbers
Business Purpose(s) for Which Information is Used
  • Processing payments from you to Knobbe;
  • Communicating with you in connection with payments for services and transfers of money between you and Knobbe; and
  • Verifying and responding to consumer requests.
Categories of Sources from Which Information Received
  • From you or your authorized agent or representative.

Categories of Third Parties to Whom Info Was Disclosed in Last 12 Months
We do not share this information with any third party,
unless required to do so by law or government agency,
for the purpose of defending or prosecuting legal claims.

Category of Personal Information
Employment Information
Information about your current and past employers,
business units, job titles, functions and the nature of
your job duties and responsibilities.
Business Purpose(s) for Which Information is Used
  • Providing legal services in accordance with our agreement with you, or in accordance with our agreement with our client, or otherwise providing or discussing our legal services to/with you;
  • Communicating with you in connection with provision of legal services, including sending statements and invoices, and to deal with inquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to the legal services;
  • Communicating with any insurance companies providing or potentially providing insurance coverage related to the legal services;
  • Hosting or organizing events, including for CLE credit;
  • Promoting our legal services, such as through legal alerts and marketing communications;
  • Complying with our legal and ethical obligations, such as conducting conflict checks for potential new clients and maintaining your information to run future conflict checks on other new clients even if you are no longer a client or have an active case; and
  • Verifying and responding to consumer requests.
Categories of Sources from Which Information Received
  • Records provided by you, including but not limited to proof of identity, banking information, and paperwork documenting sick leave or leave of absence requests;
  • Our timekeeping systems;
  • Our clients or records provided by our clients;
  • Records provided by other third parties (including, but not limited to, other parties to litigation in which we represent a client, third-parties responding to a subpoena, and notices from courts or other lienholders); and
  • Your insurance carrier providing you coverage in the matter in which we represent you.
Categories of Third Parties to Whom Info Was Disclosed in Last 12 Months
We do not share this information with any third party,
unless required to do so by law or government agency,
for the purpose of defending or prosecuting legal claims,
for advising and counseling our clients, or for safekeeping
and storing the information (such as in electronic
databases managed or hosted by third parties).
Category of Personal Information
Documentation and Information About Your Legal
Records provided by you (which may include personal
identifiers, protected classifications, commercial data,
biometric data, internet activity, geolocation data, mobile
device data, or financial/employment data); fee
agreements; pleadings and filings, correspondence
(including e-mail correspondence) with you or relating to
your legal matter(s); timekeeping and payment records
relating to your legal matter(s); documents and
communications with vendors relating to your legal
matters; and communications and documents from
opposing counsel.
Business Purpose(s) for Which Information is Used
  • Providing legal services in accordance with our agreement with you, or in accordance with our agreement with our client;
  • Communicating with you in connection with provision of legal services, including sending statements and invoices, and to deal with inquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to the legal services;
  • Communicating with any insurance companies providing or potentially providing insurance coverage related to the legal services;
  • Complying with our legal and ethical obligations, such as conducting conflict checks for potential new clients and maintaining your information to run future conflict checks on other new clients even if you are no longer a client or have an active case; and
  • Evaluating our employee’s performance of their job duties and employee conduct.
Categories of Sources from Which Information Received
  • Our clients, or information, records, or other property (including, but not limited to, electronic devices and digital data) provided by our clients;
  • Your insurance company;
  • Court records or other public documents;
  • Records provided by other third parties (including but not limited to other parties to litigation in which we represent our client and records obtained pursuant to subpoena);
  • Documentation and records created by our employees; and
  • Your insurance carrier providing you coverage in the matter in which we represent you.
Categories of Third Parties to Whom Info Was Disclosed in Last 12 Months
We do not share this information with any third party,
unless required to do so by law or government agency,
for the purpose of defending or prosecuting legal claims,
for advising and counseling our clients, or for safekeeping
and storing the information (such as in electronic
databases managed or hosted by third parties). We may
also share information necessary to collect unpaid legal
Category of Personal Information Computer, Electronic Device, Network, and Internet Activity
Date and time of your visit to our Website; dates, time,
and webpages visited; links clicked on webpages visited;
browser ID; browser type; device ID; operating system;
form information downloaded; domain name from which
our site was accessed; cookies; programs and documents
accessed on our computers; and e-mails sent.
Business Purpose(s) for Which Information is Used
  • Improving the Website, network, and internet experience for all visitors;
  • Understanding the demographics of our Website visitors;
  • Operating and maintaining the Website and our network;
  • Detecting security incidents;
  • Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality of the Website or our network;
  • Protecting against malicious or illegal activity and prosecuting those responsible;
  • Blocking access to inappropriate content on the Company network or internet;
  • Monitoring employee productivity;
  • Ensuring employees comply with our Electronic Devices and Remote Access Policies;
  • Archiving documents on, e-mails sent from, and activity on employer-provided devices; an
  • Verifying and responding to consumer requests.
Categories of Sources from Which Information Collected
Employer-provided electronic devices; employer-provided
e-mail accounts and the device and browser used to
access the accounts; individuals using company
electronic or digital resources such as our internet,
network, or digital platforms, and the device and browser
used during such activities; individuals sending e-mails to
an address in the company domain; visitors to our
Website and the device and browser used to access the
Categories of Third Parties to Whom Info Was Disclosed in Last 12 Months
We do not share this information with any third party,
unless required to do so by law or government agency,
for the purpose of defending or prosecuting legal claims,
or for advising and counseling our clients.
Category of Personal Information Geolocation Data
IP Address
Business Purpose(s) for Which Information is Used
  • Improving the Website experience for all visitors;
  • Understanding the demographics of our Website visitors;
  • Detecting security incidents;
  • Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality of the Website;
  • Protecting against malicious or illegal activity and prosecuting those responsible;
  • Monitoring employee productivity;
  • Ensuring employees comply with our Electronic Devices and Remote Access Policies;
  • Archiving documents on, e-mails sent from, and activity on employer-provided devices; and
  • Verifying and responding to consumer requests.
Categories of Sources from Which Information Received
Employer-provided electronic devices; employer-provided
e-mail accounts and the device and browser used to
access the accounts; individuals using company
electronic or digital resources such as our internet or
digital platforms, and the device and browser used during
such activities; visitors of our Website and the device and
browser used to access the Website
Categories of Third Parties to Whom Info Was Disclosed in Last 12 Months
We do not share this information with any third party,
unless required to do so by law or government agency,
for the purpose of defending or prosecuting legal claims,
or for advising and counseling our clients.
Category of Personal Information Mobile device information
Examples Mobile phone number
Business Purpose(s)
for Which Information
is Used
No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties unless required to do so by law or government agency, for the purpose of defending or prosecuting legal claims, for advising and counseling our clients to the extent applicable, or for safekeeping and storing the information (such as in electronic databases managed or hosted by third parties). We may also share such information as necessary to collect unpaid fees arising from legal services provided.

Do we sell any of your personal information?

Knobbe does NOT sell your personal information, including the data of any minors. We do not sell or otherwise trade the personal information that we collect from our Website visitors at any point or under any circumstance.

Use of cookies and other tracking technologies

Cookies are small files that a Website may transfer to a user’s computer that reside there for either the duration of the browsing session (session cookies) or on a permanent (until deleted) basis (persistent cookies) that may be used to identify a user, a user’s machine, or a user’s behavior. We make use of cookies on our Website under the following circumstances and for the following reasons:

  • To enable users to log in to secure areas of our Website;
  • To compile data about site traffic to offer a better Website experience; and
  • To understand and save visitor preferences for future visits.

Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference that users can set if they do not want web services to collect information about their online activity. However, there is currently no universal standard for sending and receiving DNT signals. Due to this lack of universal standard, it would be impossible for us to promise that we comply with all known and unknown DNT standards.

Therefore, we do not respond to DNT signals or other mechanisms that provide a choice regarding the collection of personal information about activities over time and across different Web sites or online services. If a universal standard for DNT becomes available, we may revisit our DNT Policy.

By using our Website you consent to the use of cookies as described in this Policy. If you wish to withdraw your consent, you can disable cookies on your device at any time by activating the setting in the preferences or options menu in your browser. However, disabling cookies may limit your ability to use our site. You can find more information about cookies at and more information about deleting or blocking cookies at

Your Rights as a California Consumer

If you are a California resident, you have the following rights:

  1. The right to request, up to two times in a 12-month period, that we identify to you (a) the categories of personal information we have collected, disclosed or sold about you in the last 12 months, (b) the categories of sources from which the personal information was collected, (c) the business purpose for which we use this information, and (d) the categories of third parties with whom we share or have shared your personal information in the last 12 months (the foregoing shall be referred to hereinafter as a “consumer request”);
  2. The right to request, up to two times in a 12-month period, that we disclose to you, free of charge, the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you in the last 12 months;
  3. The right to request, up to two times in a 12-month period, that we delete personal information that we collected from you, subject to certain exceptions;
  4. The right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information to third parties;
  5. The right to designate an authorized agent to submit one of the above requests on your behalf; and
  6. The right to not be discriminated against in receiving different or less favorable pricing, service or financial incentive for exercising any of the above rights.

How to submit a consumer request

You can submit a verifiable consumer request to know or request for deletion of your personal information by any of the two options below:

  1. Submit an online request via email to
  2. Call our privacy toll-free line at 888-417-7444.

How we will verify that it is really you submitting the consumer request

When you submit a consumer request through one of the methods provided above, we will ask you to provide some information in order to verify your identity and respond to your request. Specifically, we will ask you to verify information that can be used to link your identity to particular records in our possession, which depends on the nature of your relationship and interaction with us. For example, if your sole interaction with us was as a website visitor, then in order to verify your identify, we will need to ask you to provide your name, email, phone number, IP address, device ID, browser ID, and/or cookie ID.

How to authorize an agent to act on your behalf

You can authorize someone else as an Authorized Agent who can submit a consumer request on your behalf. To do so, you must either (a) execute a valid, verifiable, and notarized Power of Attorney or (b) provide other written authorization that we can then verify. When we receive a consumer request submitted on your behalf by an Authorized Agent, that person will be asked to provide written proof that they have your permission to act on your behalf, and we will also contact you and ask you for information to verify your own identity directly with us and not through your Authorized Agent.

Responding to your consumer requests

We endeavor to respond to a verifiable consumer request within forty-five (45) days of its receipt. If we require more time (up to 45 additional days, or 90 days total, from the date we receive your request), we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing. We will deliver our written response by mail or electronically, at your option. Any disclosures we provide will only cover the 12-month period preceding our receipt of your verifiable consumer request. The response we provide will also explain the reasons we cannot comply with a request, if applicable. We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable consumer request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you why we made that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request.

Children under the age of 16

Our Website is not intended for children under 16 years of age. No one under age 16 may provide any personal information on the Website. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16. If you are under 16, do not use or provide any information on this Website. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a child under 16 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 16, please contact us at the email address below.

How we protect the information that we collect

We employ reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures to provide a level of security appropriate to the risk associated with the personal information that we collect. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have concerns about the security of your information with Knobbe, please contact us immediately at

Social Media

We include links to social media sites, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, on our Website. If you follow links to these websites or services, any information you contribute will be governed by the terms of use or privacy policies for those third-party websites, and may be visible to others. You should never share or post personal, financial or sensitive information or any information you expect to be treated confidentially through those websites.

Consumers with Disabilities

This policy is in a form that is accessible to consumers with disabilities.

Questions About this Policy

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you should contact us by phone at 888-417-7444 or via email at

Consent to Terms and Conditions

By using our legal services, accessing our Website, or otherwise engaging in activities described above, you consent to all Terms and Conditions expressed in this Policy.


From time to time we may modify and/or update this Policy and so we encourage you to check back on our Website at on a regular basis to determine if any changes have been made.

Effective Date (last updated on): December 31, 2019