Jason represents and counsels clients in intellectual property disputes relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. His practice focuses on patent and trademark litigation, primarily in the areas of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical devices.
Jason has represented clients at all stages of the litigation process, including pre-litigation counseling, discovery, motion practice, trial, mediation and settlement. He has been involved in numerous litigations involving Abbreviated New Drug Applications under the Hatch-Waxman Act and has experience with claim construction, preliminary injunctions, taking depositions, handling discovery disputes, and managing expert witnesses.
Jason worked as a summer associate at the firm in 2007 and joined the firm as an associate in the firm's Orange County office in 2008. In 2016, he became a partner.
Author, Copyright exhaustion in the US: what the Kirtsaeng and ReDigi decisions tell us about the future of the first sale doctrine and secondary markets for copyrighted goods, North American Regional Forum News, Newsletter of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division, Vol 4 No 2 (September 2013).
Speeches & Seminars
Presenter, INTA’s Brand Resilience: Risk, Recovery, and the Future of the Brand Practitioner Conference - "The Adventure Begins..." (September 23, 2021)