Mauricio Uribeは本事務所のソフトウェア、ITおよび電気工学部門長を務めています。
Mauricio Uribe(모리시오 유리베) 변호사는 Knobbe Martens(크노비 마튼스)로펌에서 소프트웨어/IT 및 전기 분야 총괄 변호사로 활동 중입니다.
모리시오 변호사는 지식재산권(IPR) 관련 모든 분야에서 광범위하고 종합적인 고객 자문경험을 쌓아왔습니다. 모리시오 변호사는 특히 소프트웨어, 전기 및 통신 기술 분야의 특허 출원 및 포트폴리오 개발에 정통합니다. 아울러, 표준특허(SEP)를 포함한 특허 및 기술도입 라이선싱 분야에서도 다양한 고객들에게 자문을 제공해왔습니다. 모리시오 변호사는 IP, 그리고 새롭게 대두하는 첨단기술에 관한 강연 및 저술 활동도 활발하게 하고 있습니다.
모리시오 변호사는 다양한 기술 분야의 고객을 위한 지적 보호 전략을 개발한 경험이 있습니다. 다양한 국제 기업에서 8 년 이상 걸쳐 파견 변호사로 활동한 경험이 있으며, 이는 고객을대리하는 데에 있어서 비즈니스 중심적 접근을 하도록 도움이 되었습니다. 모리시오 변호사는인공지능/머신러닝, 분산 원장 기술 (블록체인), 대체 불가능 토큰 (NFT), 머신비전, 자율주행, 사물인터넷(IoT), 가상화, 무선통신 인터페이스 등 새롭게 대두하는 첨단 기술 및 관련 지적 재산 전략을 꾸준히 연구하는 학구파이며 특허적격성(미 특허법 제 101 조), 기능식 표현을포함한 방법 특허(미 특허법 제 112 조) 등을 포함한 특허 출원 주제에 있어 선도적인권위자로서 연사 및 저자로 활발하게 활동 중입니다.
모리시오 변호사는 15 년 이상 동안 다양한 고객을 위하여 수많은 라이선싱 전략과 라이선스협상을 수행해 왔습니다. 표준특허 라이선싱 분야에서 광범위한 고객 대리 경험이 있으며전세계에 걸쳐 판례법과 라이선싱 모델에 정통합니다. 모리시오 변호사는 고객이 라이선싱프로그램을 수립하고 표준필수특허 자산을 식별 및 육성하며, 라이선스 제안에 대한 대응 및전체적인 라이선스 프로그램을 개발할 수 있도록 지원했습니다. 또한 모리시오 변호사는데이터 프라이버시 및 개인정보 보호, 표준특허 라이선싱 프로그램, 기밀유지 계약, 고용 계약, 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 등을 포함한 라이선싱 주제로 강연 활동을 자주 합니다.
모리시오 변호사는 전세계 각지에 빈번하게 출장하면서 주요 라이선싱 협상에 임해 고객을지원하며 특허성, 실사(DD), 소송을 포함한 종합적인 IP 프로그램, 그리고 복잡한 글로벌 특허 및 기술 라이선싱에 관한 자문도 제공합니다. 침해분석과 리스크 저감 사안, 비즈니스 중심의방어 전략 수립 등에서 고객과 함께 일하며 조력해온 수십년의 경험이 있습니다. 모리시오변호사는 다양한 소프트웨어 및 전기 관련 기술 분야에서 미 특허청 산하 특허심판원(PTAB) 소송에서 특히 당사자계(IPR) 및 특허등록 후 재심사(PGR) 전략과 신청 관련 전략 수립 및실행에 중점을 두고 고객과 함께 작업해왔습니다. 모리시오 변호사는 법률 의견 및 손해배상, 지적 재산권 실사 등의 주제에 관해서도 강연과 저술 활동을 해오고 있습니다.
모리시오 변호사는 본 로펌의 시애틀 사무소에 2008 년 파트너 변호사로 합류했습니다.
Mauricio Uribe is the Co-Chair of the Software/IT and Electrical practice groups at Knobbe Martens.
Mauricio has extensive experience in comprehensive client counseling in all aspects of intellectual property law. He has a business focused approach to client representation leveraging more than 8 years of experience as a seconded attorney for various international companies. Mauricio is well versed in patent prosecution matters and portfolio development, especially in software, electrical and telecommunication technologies. He has counseled various clients on patent and technology licensing matters, including standards essential patent licensing.
Mauricio is an active learner of emerging technologies and associated intellectual property strategies, including, for example, artificial intelligence/machine learning (including generative AI), distributed ledger technology (Blockchain), Web 3.0 (decentralized identity management), non-fungible tokens (NFT), machine vision, autonomous driving, Internet of Things (IoT), virtualization, radio communication interfaces, etc. Mauricio is a thought leader and frequent lecturer/author in various patent prosecution topics including patent subject matter eligibility (Section 101), interpretation as means plus function (Section 112), and other topics. Mauricio is also a frequent lecturer and author on intellectual property topics related to emerging technologies.
For more than 15 years, Mauricio has engaged in numerous licensing strategy and license negotiations for various clients. He has extensive experience representing clients with regard to standard essential patent licensing matters and is well versed in case law and licensing models throughout the world. Mauricio has helped clients set up licensing programs, identify and cultivate essential patent assets, develop responses to licensing offers and develop holistic licensing programs. Mauricio is also a frequent lecturer on licensing topics including data privacy and protection, standards essential patents licensing programs, non-disclosure agreements, employment agreements, open-source software, etc.
Mauricio has traveled extensively throughout the world assisting clients with key license negotiations. He is also active in various legal and business organizations to help promote intellectual property education and diversity and inclusion projects in the intellectual property community.
Mauricio also provides counsel on patentability, due diligence, and comprehensive intellectual property programs including litigation and complex, global patent and technology licensing. He has decades of experiences working with clients with regard to infringement analysis and risk mitigation matters and developing business-focused defensive strategies. Mauricio has worked with clients in various software and electrical related technologies with regard to developing and executing strategies for Patent Office litigation before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), focusing on inter partes review (IPR) and post-grant review (PGR) strategies and filings. Mauricio is a lecturer and author on legal opinions and damages, intellectual property due diligence, etc.
He joined the firm as a partner in the Seattle office in 2008.
- University of Kansas School of Law (J.D., 1998)
- University of Missouri - Columbia (B.S. Computer Engineering, 1995), cum laude
- University of Missouri - Columbia (B.S. Electrical Engineering, 1995), cum laude
Awards & Honors
Mr. Uribe has received multiple awards and has been honored in both national and international forums for his legal accomplishments:
- Recognized in the “Best Lawyers 2025 Guide” for Information Technology Law, Patent Law, and Technology Law in Best Lawyers in America (2024)
- Recognized for outstanding work in patent law in the 2024 edition of the Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) “Patent 1000 Guide” for Prosecution and Transaction (2024)
- Named in Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) magazine’s “Global Leaders” guide (2022-2023)
- Named to IAM Strategy 300: The World’s Leading IP Strategists, which “identifies the individuals who are leading the way in the development and implementation of strategies that maximize the value of IP portfolios” (2023-2024)
- Selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® (2014 – 2023). In the 2018, 2019 and 2023 – 2024 editions, he was recognized for his work in Patent Law, Information Technology Law, and Technology Law. He was also named Seattle’s “Lawyer of the Year” for his work in Information Technology Law (2020, 2022, and 2024) and Patent Law (2020 and 2022)
- Named one of the “World’s Leading Patent Professionals” in the Patent 1000 guide for Transactions and Prosecution by Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) magazine (2012 – 2023). The 2021 guide stated, “Uribe complements his pure-play prosecution skills with a deft licensing touch.” The 2022 guide recognized him as “a standard essential patents and licensing expert who plays an important role for his clients as an IP protector, negotiator and counselor.” The 2023 guide described Mauricio as someone who “has a deep knowledge of patent law and can easily translate technical information into lay terms. He is very creative, and thinks outside the box and strategically about both the immediate and the long-term goals of his clients. Mauricio is great to work with and gives his clients his full attention, whether they are small or large companies.”
- Named a Washington “Super Lawyer” (2018 – 2019) for his work in intellectual property law by Super Lawyers magazine
- Named as one of Washington’s “Rising Stars” in intellectual property litigation in Super Lawyers magazine (2012 and 2013)
- Named as Washington Law & Politics Rising Star (2004 ‑ 2008)
- Intellectual Property Owners Association, National Meeting Speaker, 2006
American Intellectual Property Law Association
Board of Directors, MIT Enterprise Forum of the Northwest, Inc.
King County Bar Association
Washington State Patent Lawyers Association
News & Insights
Author, “Coming to Terms (of Service) with your Organization’s Data,” Knobbe Martens Firm Alert (August 2023)
Quoted, “IP expert Mauricio Uribe on strategic uses of design patents,” Westlaw Today (November 2022)
Author, “Beyond enforcement: leveraging design patents as a company asset,” World Trademark Review (November 2022)
Author, “Moving Toward a Design Patent Bar – Progress in the IP Community,” IPWatchdog (November 2022)
Author, “Strategies to leverage design patents as key assets for companies,” IAM (November 2022)
Author, “Valuation models for design patents—key assets for companies,” World IP Review (October 2022)
Author, “Good Faith Doctrine and NFTs – How a Bored Ape NFT Dilemma May Present Unique Copyright and Contract Issues,” IPWatchdog (July 2022)
Author, “Monkey business: Seth Green’s bored ape NFT and a barrel of IP issues,” World Intellectual Property Review, (June 2022)
Author, “NDAs Remain a Potent Business Tool,” MedTech Intelligence (May 2022)
Quoted, “The Trendy, Hot NFT Market Has a New Entrant: Patents,” Bloomberg Law (May 2021)
Author, “The end of the DABUS affair?,” World Intellectual Property Review (April 2021)
Quoted, “Skilled in the Art: A Pregame Discussion on AIs as Inventors + Gibson Dunn Gets an Assist From Judge Davis + Not Even a COVID-Based Mistrial Can Stop This Hogan Team,” Law.com (March 2021)
Author, “When It Comes To SEPs, Act Locally But Enforce Globally,” Law360 (November 2020)
Author, “Resolving AV ownership and licensing issues,” Autonomous Vehicle Technology (March 2020)
“Patent Proposal Could Help EEs,” EE Times (June 2019)
Co-Author, “Clarity and Progress at the USPTO: The USPTO Publishes Revised Guidance on Patent Eligible Subject Matter,” Knobbe Martens Firm Alert (January 2019)
“What’s Happening – Microsoft Innovation?,” Law.com (April 2018)
“The Effect of Microsoft v. Motorola,” Bloomberg BNA – Patent, Trademark & Copyright Journal (September 2015)
Speeches & Seminars
Panelist, “How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Law Firms and the Law PT. 2,” Law Practice Today (May 2019)
Panelist, “How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Law Firms and the Law PT.1,” Law Practice Today (April 2019)
Panelist, “Fast Changing Technologies Transforming Business,” 17th Annual SEC “Hot Topics” Conference, Irvine, CA (September 2018).
Panelist, “Hot Topics in Patent Licensing and Valuation,” American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Intellectual Property Law and Center for Professional Development, Live Webinar (December 2013).
Panelist, “Can I Still Get a Patent on That? Best Practices for Protecting Innovations in the Software, High Technology and Biotech Industries,” IP Impact Silicon Valley Seminar, Palo Alto, CA (September 2013).