Chen 博士是 Knobbe Martens 圣地亚哥办事处专利顾问,在物理科学(固态物理学、器件物理学、光学、高分子物理学)、工程学(微电子、半导体、电光学、信息论)和生命科学(分子生物物理学、病毒学、微生物学、神经科学、生物技术)领域积累了丰富的技术经验。
Chen 博士具有十余年定量生物学研究经验,在 PNAS 和 PRX 等业内极具影响力的期刊发表论文。热衷协助客户开展跨学科创新。
加入公司之前,Chen 博士曾在索尔克生物研究所和卡夫利大脑与心智研究所(加州大学圣地亚哥分校)担任研究员。荣获 James S. McDonnell 基金会博士后奖学金。
Chen 博士出生在台湾,并在台湾接受教育。精通中文和英文。
- 加州理工学院(物理学博士,2015 年)
- 国立台湾大学(物理学学士,2008 年)
国立台湾大学(电气工程学士,2008 年)
Dr. Chen is a patent advisor in the firm’s San Diego office and has technical experience in physical sciences (solid state physics, device physics, optics, polymer physics), engineering (microelectronics, semiconductors, electro-optics, information theory), and life sciences (molecular biophysics, virology, microbiology, neuroscience, biotechnology).
Dr. Chen has over 10 years of research experience in quantitative biology and has authored publications in high-impact journals such as PNAS and PRX. She has a special interest in assisting clients with their cross-disciplinary innovations.
Prior to joining the firm, Dr. Chen was a researcher at Salk Institute for Biological Studies and Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind, UC San Diego. She received the James S. McDonnell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Award.
Dr. Chen was born and educated in Taiwan. She is fluent in both Chinese and English.
- California Institute of Technology (Ph.D. Physics, 2015)
- National Taiwan University (B.S. Physics, 2008)
- National Taiwan University (B.S.E. Electrical Engineering, 2008)