In an effort to inspire and intrigue the minds of future inventors, Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear, LLP is sponsoring the 28th annual “Astounding Inventions” Competition hosted by Irvine Valley College (IVC). The competition, to be held at IVC’s Hart Gymnasium on January 24, 2015, will feature inventions by more than 450 students from the Irvine and Tustin Unified School Districts who are in kindergarten through eighth grade.
Students will present inventions they masterminded and developed. The inventions will be categorized by the student’s grade level and judged according to ingenuity and resourcefulness by over sixty judges representing a variety of professional disciplines.
Knobbe hopes this event will nurture and mold young minds unto an inquisitorial path where their curiosity is celebrated.
“With this competition, we hope to pique interest and inspire these novice inventors to learn more about the fields of science, technology, and math,” said Lance Smemoe, a partner in Knobbe Martens’ Orange County office. “We believe that the cultivation of curiosity and creativity lead to great people doing great things. Who knows what futures may lie ahead for these young innovators because of their participation in today’s event?”
For two of those students, at least, the future is potentially bright. As part of Knobbe Martens’ title sponsorship, Smemoe will select two students inventions (one from each school district) based on the perceived patentability, and offer to conduct a pro bono prior art search and write a provisional patent application for the invention.
In addition to their project being sponsored by Knobbe Martens, winners will receive $10,000 in cash prizes and certificates of achievement and ribbons from the Irvine Valley College Foundation.
The schedule for the event is:
9:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Judging of student inventions
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Public viewing of student inventions
1:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony: Grade K, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8
2:15 p.m. Awards Ceremony: Grades 4 and 5
9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Displays and demonstrations outside of Hart Gym