KFx Medical Corp. announced last week that it was awarded U.S. Patent No. 7,585,311 covering a broad range of methods used to perform knotless tissue fixation including a knotless double row tissue repair technique used to restore the rotator cuff to its anatomic position.
“This broad seminal patent is an important milestone for our company and was the result of a great team effort over many years by KFx and our patent counsel Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear,” indicated Tate Scott, President and CEO. “Double row repairs which restore the anatomy are being demonstrated clinically to result in better clinical outcomes with fewer re-tearing of the rotator cuff.”
The granting of the patent was the culmination of several years of effort by Knobbe Martens involving the preparation of a number of patent applications and meetings with the patent office. Knobbe Martens has represented KFx Medical since its inception. Regarding the patent process, Mr. Scott added, “Fortunately we use Knobbe, an incredible firm whose expertise and diligence is well known and deserved.”
Ryan Melnick, an attorney at Knobbe Martens said, “We were pleased to be able to help KFx obtain this important piece of intellectual property. KFx is a great company with great ideas. The protection of these ideas significantly increases the value of the company.”
About KFx Medical Corporation
Headquartered in Carlsbad, Calif., KFx Medical Corporation was founded in 2003 to develop clinically relevant solutions to rotator cuff repair. Over four million people seek medical advice for shoulder pain every year; torn rotator cuffs alone account for more than 500,000 surgeries annually, requiring many months of rehabilitation. Traditional minimally invasive techniques, although promising — (patients typically experience less pain and regain full range of motion more quickly) — require surgeons to have advanced arthroscopy skills. In contrast, KFx provides simple systems for surgeons while ensuring a more anatomical repair for the patient, yielding better clinical outcomes.
About Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP
Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP has over 260 lawyers that dedicate their practice to intellectual property law. The Orange County, California-based firm serves a diverse group of clients from multinational corporations to emerging businesses. The firm also has offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Riverside, Washington, D.C., and Seattle, and enjoys an international reputation for excellence in the intellectual property field.