
National Data Protection Authority - Other Government Agencies
Privacy Law and Regulations
National-Federal Laws and Regulations
Sectoral Privacy Laws and Regulations




Anti-Spam Laws and Regulations

Responsible Government Agency - Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)

Responsible Government Agency - Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)

State-Provincial Data Protection Authority - Other Government Agencies
Australian Capital Territory

The Directorate has responsibility for government activities of justice administration, rights protection, business regulation and emergency services.

New South Wales
The Northern Territory

The Office oversees the Freedom of Information and Privacy provisions of the Information Act and is responsible for the implementation of the Public Interest Disclosure Act. Its functions relate to public sector organizations, including local government. It does not cover Commonwealth organizations or the private sector.


An independent body established under the Right to Information Act 2009 to promote access to government-held information; and protect people's personal information held by government under the Information Privacy Act 2009.

South Australia

Government of South Australia Attorney-General’s Department


The Personal Information and Protection Act 2004 applies to the public and local government sectors and the University of Tasmania. The Act is administered by the Department of Justice and complaints may be made to the Tasmanian Ombudsman.


The Victorian Health Records Act 2001 (Health Records Act) covers the handling of all personal information held by health service providers in the State public sector and also seeks to govern acts or practices in the Victorian private health sector. The Health Records Act contains a set of principles adapted from the National Privacy Principles. The Office of the Health Services Commissioner provides more information.

Western Australia
State-Provincial Privacy Laws and Regulations
Australian Information Commissioner
Australian Capital Territory

The Health Records Act covers health records held in the public sector in the ACT and also seeks to apply to acts or practices in the private sector not covered by the Privacy Act.

The Information Privacy Act 2014 (ACT) applies to Australian Capital Territory (ACT) public sector agencies.

New South Wales (NSW)
The Northern Territory

Applies to the public sector only

South Australia

Applies to the public sector


(amended through December 2005)

New Part 2A inserted in Surveillance Devices Act 1999.

Western Australia

The Office of the Information Commissioner (WA) administers the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA), as amended through 2019, which includes some privacy principles related to the disclosure and amendment of personal information held by Western Australian State and local government agencies.